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Monday, March 21, 2011

Experiencing cultural shock is something I have expected before setting my feet on Aussie's land. Thus, to a certain extent, it doesn't impact my life here much. Nonetheless, vast cultural difference could still be sensed easily. Hence, I am writing this piece of fucking shit, merely to showcase some of the astonishing ethics and cultural practices portrayed by the Australians.

Malaysian bus driver
Gives passengers no response and indulges himself in the air of tobacco...

Australian bus driver
"Here we continue our journey to Adelaide Railway Station. It was built in 1927, based on European style of architecture, playing the role as a landmark in city of Adelaide. Beside the building, you could see Adelaide Casino and........." sounds like a tour guide huh? :)
Almost every passenger says thank-you to the bus driver and with courtesy, the bus driver replies with a good-bye (this morning there was a Caucasian driver who said 再见 to a Chinese passenger. Pro! =.=)

Malaysia DotA Room
A: "share chick pls"
B: "fuck you, go buy yourself one la, later you kill my chick"
A: "cb"

Australia DotA Room
A player buys a courier and shares it amongst the entire team.
(well, there are still lots of leaver anyway =.=)

Malaysia TV channels:
No kiss scene and no rubbing butt :p

Australia TV channels:
Delicious boobies and titties could be seen. But strictly no pussies.

Malaysia Police transport:
Proton Waja

Australia Police transport:
Daytime in car and nighttime on horse (like Liverpool)

Definition of "raining" in Malaysia:
Heavy downpour with some thunders and lightnings occasionally.

Definition of "raining" in Australia:
Gosh, it was just fucking drizzling like pee from the God of Rain and strictly speaking, I have never seen any thunderbolt in Australia. (kinda miss it =.=)

And last but not least...

Malaysian: Kaninabu chao ji bai. Diu lei lao mou ham ka cham. Si pek si bu mahai bo lanjiao!!!

Australian: Fuck you motherfucker with you dick head and pussy face. Suck my dick and lick my balls!!!

Somehow, both share a similarity - sign language o0o/mlm =.=

Sunday, March 13, 2011


两个考试 + 一个project assignment due + 还有...发生了一些事情 = 差点遭遇"团灭"威胁的小黑一护

我对这个project 没抱着太大的期许,但也没想到会糟到这种我个人无法接受的地步.但或许我不应该抱怨,因为应该还有其他组的情况比我还糟吧..但我真的,受不了..要我做工,行,但别last minute才丢给我..咳..虽然不是组长的我,但却要扮演起组长的身份提醒组员按时呈交报告还真是超没有说服力..结果搞砸了..我只能静静又无奈地看着组长,轻轻叹声气才离开.

两个考试,这个礼拜这样来的组合还真有点吃不消..因为其中一样考试的形式比较特别,考场有六十张桌子,分别有六十个问题,你得拿着electronic scan sheet在三十秒内看着不同的模型构填上答案。你知道三十秒多快吗?我不知道该怎样形容,就快到让你觉得好像只有十五秒罢了! 走到好像第二十五题的时候,我叹了口小气:人生苦短啊..

一些事情..啊!! 冲动,鲁莽..我不知道什么时候你才会看到这一篇,但我只是想说冲动和鲁莽并没有欺骗或不属实地道出我藏在心里的话,只是这两样东西让我失去理智在应该不是很对的时刻说出心理话而已..我现在想说的也只有这些..><



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