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Friday, July 22, 2011

这次不是风和日丽的早上了,因为天还没亮的五点我就出门。驾着没有出过远门的5981想说小车比较省油也比较容易驾,结果两个钟头后就后悔了。这废物老牙车大概到Ayer Keroh水就给我太热,趁他没死我还停在休息站尿尿顺便检查下。找不到什么问题只好硬着头皮继续上路。到南北大道275公里处,5981 果然不能顶了,发出“磕磕磕”的巨响后我Double Signal一开快快停到路边去。一停下来想说GG了,好多烟从引擎盖跑出来。折腾了好久,原本3个钟就能到inti结果花了双倍的时间,还有不只双倍的钱。





Monday, July 18, 2011

I am pretty sure most of you have came across with this kind of websites (mostly chinese sites though) that require you to like it before you can read the full article from the page. That is seriously annoying for me and I never bother to actually like them. Here is a little tip that I used which can save your "like" from being abused.

  1. Copy a few words, or even a whole sentence, from the preview of the article straight from Facebook
  2. Google search the copied words or sentence. (In Chrome and Firefox you can simply drag the highlighted texts to the tab bar; that will open you a new tab with the search results)
  3. Chose a proper search result that will lead you to the right place.
That's it. Simple and useful for someone who does not like his/her Facebook page being messed up whenever he/she read an article. Check out the 720p video below if the instruction above isn't clear enough. Cheers.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

在一个风和日丽的下午 在一个鸟语花香的下午,怪懒党派出了一组四人的团队(还有一个多事的)想要征服八度市数一数二的高峰。对,就是高峰百利有人跳楼广场。哦,不是,是传说中的上面有座通讯塔的结冰的油山。计划一番后,我们一行四人(冠,黑,文,岳),还有陈韦健(?)就在二零一一年七月十二号下午四点半左右开始这个登山之旅。我们可说是准备充足,万无一失,有备无患,能用的成语都用上了。来说说看我们带了什么:我带了陈韦健一个,俊升带了水瓶一个,而且是小水瓶,京岳带了阿冠,俗称爬山小叮当的阿冠则带了金枪鱼,黄瓜,番茄,面包,水瓶,盒子,背包,夜店主题的雨伞,还有帐篷(这个我自己加的)!



传说中的羊肠小径,从照片来看能发现一件事:我走最后 。






Monday, July 11, 2011


我只知道这一个假期我也许是我这一生中从我口里说出"我不知道", "不太清楚","应该是吧"...我爸说的对, 人生中说的最多的一句话一定是"我不知道"..你不这么认为吗? 你对你的生活未来都很了解吗? 你很清楚你心里真正需要的是什么吗? 或许, 再过多个三年五载, 你也就会慢慢相信这句"我不知道"了..并非因为你的生活毫无目标, 而是其中有太多太多的未知数..

在你们心里, 什么样的感觉才会让你最害怕, 有如魔鬼般老缠着你, 好像从你身上硬抽走你的灵魂, 生剥你的皮..让你那应受保护的内脏赤裸裸的暴露在这陌生又寒冷又危险的环境里..当你尝试静下来的时候, 你会看到那颗心, 很挣扎地, 很苟且的..很拼命的在泵着血至全身..
那是很无力的心跳.. "怦怦..怦怦.."

像蒲公英那样, 在那盛夏随着风细细地吹..风停在那里它就降在那里..意想起来好像是副美丽的画面..甚至还会觉得好烂漫..哇.... "无论你走到哪里, 我就跟你走到哪里.."

飘浮会那么让人害怕吗? 你们或许不会那么觉得吧..我也不知道..
当你的人生没有方向你会觉得恐怖吗? 当你不知道你下一步会被别人安排怎么走..你会觉得没有安全感吗? 当你不知道你会飘到哪里..你会觉得害怕吗?
起风时, 你随着风飘着..应该感觉不会那么难受...至少有股力量推使你去某个方向..
但, 要是空气是静止不动..你就这样..飘在半空中,无重力的飘着..无论你如何用力的挥动你的双手和双脚..你都只是在原地打转..转着转着.. 在半空中..[好像"卡"字中间的那一横, 不上不下..].. 心也不上不下的..就好像"忐忑"..不踏实..

每天一起身挣开眼的是美丽的阳光吗? 是啊! 同时也是漫长的一天..等待..
是我害怕面对结果吗? 是我还不够成熟吗? 是我不够坚强吗?
又是另一个"我不知道", 或许我知道, 只是不敢接受事实而已..是这样子吗?


谢谢你 :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

You have created a joke which isn't funny, and a joke that stirred up people's feeling ain't a real joke.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A guy selling this sexy Camaro on eBay is making a list comparing his car with his soon-to-be ex-wife. He made this quote:
As much as this car & my wife are loved and will be missed. I am forced to part with both, So my loss is your gain here. The car has less than 10,000 miles on it, her- a little more-just saying. The car has never seen snow, she can be as cold as ice. The car was garage stored when not in use, she is making me move out to the garage. This car has extraordinary acceleration with the 6.2L V8, superior handling, excellent value, head-turning looks, unique interior design, great fuel economy, and a throaty boasting exhaust, which beats a bitchy mouth any day.

And here is a comparing list made by him:

Source: Jalopnik via eBay

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Right after Google launch its own Facebook-killer social network Google+ with an amazing group video chatting function called Hangout, Facebook launched its video chat function associated with Skype today. Want to try out? Simply head over here and click Get Started! Your browser will start to download the required plugin and after you install it you are free to call any of your online friend. The process is easy and intuitive and you can video call your friend in no time.

I've try it out and it works pretty well. Video quality was good and there was no significant lag. Hopefully they would add the group video chat function in near future though.













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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recently Malaysia has blocked some files and torrents sharing websites like fileserve.com and this might be a headache for some. However, there are still some methods such as alternating our ip that allow us to visit these sites.In this post I will show a very simple way to access these blocked site by using Google Translate in less than 5 steps.

First head over to Google translate page and chose the translation language. Chose anything at the "From" option; while chose the original language of the website for the "To" option.

Hit "Enter" on your keyboard. That's it.

Hope this guide is useful for some in a rightful way and feel free to comment :)
Virtual Machine as its name, implies a virtual machine inside a real, existing machine. In this post lets look into why use virtual machine and how to do it with Virtual Box. It is like running another OS (either same or different) as a software in an OS itself without the need to reboot. Some common examples are running Windows inside of a Mac or running linux distributions in either Macintosh or Windows.

So, first of all why should one need another virtual machine since there is an existing machine? Here is a list I made myself:

  1. First of all, people (at least some sohai like me) enjoys doing it.
  2. Can try out different OS without taking the risk to screw up your whole system.
  3. Better security, not scare of viruses anymore. (As you can delete the whole virtual machine once it got infections)
  4. Able to run some software which isn't meant for some particular platform. (A lame example would be running PPStream through a virtual machine in Macintosh since Mac doesn't has its version of PPStream)
Most probably there will be a ton more of the benefits of Virtual Machines out there so just discover those yourself! Now we shall go into how to actually build one by yourself. There are a few software in the market which provide this awesome feature like VMware, Parallel Desktops and Virtualbox. Today we gonna take a quick look on how we build a virtual machine by using the freeware Virtualbox instead of the other two which will cost you quite a lot of money.

What you will need to build a VM:
  • Virtualbox software which you can get it here.
  • An existing OS for sure (in my case Windows 7 Ultimate)
  • Another OS's DVD or disc image (iso file).
Here is the super simple guide to build a virtual machine by using Virtualbox:
  1. Of course, install Virtualbox and launch it.
  2. Click "New" and give a name to the OS and chose the type of OS you are going to install in the virtual machine. In my case, I am going to install Elementary OS which is a Ubuntu 10.10 variant distro and you can get its iso here. Then click "Next"
  3. Then allocate the amount of RAM you wish to allocate for this virtual machine. Usually the amount it recommend should be sufficient. Then click "Next"
  4. The next step is to create a virtual hard disk for the virtual machine. Chose create a new hard disk and click "Next". This will bring out another windows, chose fixed size storage for better performance or chose dynamically expanding storage if your hard disk space is scarce. Again, the disk space it recommend you should be more than enough since you are not going to store your media in the virtual machine (hope so). Click "Finish" and wait for the virtual disk to be created (this may take some time).
  5. Click "Finish" again and a blank virtual machine is now created.
  6. Chose the VM you have just created and click "Setting" on above, go to "Storage" tab and click on the cd icon under attribute and mount the ISO file for the virtual machine OS then click "Ok".
  7. Now double click the virtual machine you have just created and here it goes! The virtual machine will now boot with the iso file mounted and you just have to install the OS of the choice as in usual way.
  8. After the installation finish click "Devices" on the virtual machine window and unmount the iso file and then click "Machine"then "Reset" to reboot the virtual machine.
  9. Now the virtual machine will be ready for use!
A simple video tutorial (watch it in 720p full screen) :

Similar way can be used to make a Hackintosh virtual machine with a few more tweaks too!

*This is just a brief guide though, if there is any problem feel free to Google it yourself or post a comment here in this blog post. Cheers :)
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